My academic life has been a interesting turn of events since I started going to college. I went from being a below-average student with no accomplishments to show off and a 2-point-something GPA, to an honors student with a 3.0 GPA. Teachers always told me college would be much harder than high school, with a much heftier workload, but what I've experienced in my time at Lane Community College was much different. The course load can be heavy, but I've found it's much easier to handle when you only have a maximum of two classes in one day that add to only four hours out of your day total. I'm not saying college hasn't been difficult, as I've had my fair share of difficulties, but it's a much better time than spending 8+ hours out of my day in a crowded high school classroom, taking home 16+ hours of homework, and also having to balance my health problems and personal life in the meager hour of time I got to myself. I never had a drive or passion to learn until I entered college, and I plan on getting the most from my time at LCC and making the most out of my experience.